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Our Studies

Enrolling in a study is easy and free.  No out of pocket expense or need for medical insurance - ever. During your initial visit we will go through a multi step study qualification assessment to ensure it is safe and beneficial for you to participate.  Once enrolled enjoy personalized attention, no cost physical exams and labs, access to investigational medical treatment, frequent health check-ups during visit, and play a more active role in your own health care.

It is your personal choice to join and we know your time is not free, that's why during the study you may receive compensation for time and travel.

Research shapes the future of healthcare for all of us, and we are looking forward to working with you. 

We are currently enrolling in studies for:

Fatty Liver Disease (aka hepatic steatosis, NASH, NAFLD - Free FibroScan Liver Ultrasound to assess current liver health) - It is an increased liver fat content due to dietary or genetic factors. It affects more than 30% of population and most patients don't experience any symptoms until later stages of this disease. Fatty liver can be an early warning sign to help avoid more serious/fatal conditions such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. You may be at higher risk of having fatty liver disease if you have any of these conditions: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, sleep apnea, low testosterone, are postmenopausal, or of Hispanic descent. Call us for FREE liver screening - you don't have to be diagnosed with fatty liver to call.

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Cirrhosis (NASH Cirrhosis) - This study is for patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis who have developed esophageal varices.  Esophageal varices are enlarged veins in the esophagus. Some symptoms can include: ongoing tiredness, pale skin, shortness of breath, black or tarry stool, and lightheadedness. Please watch this short video to learn more:

Migraine Headaches - Approximately 12% of the population experiences migraines that can disrupt our daily lives. Usually this severe pain can feel like throbbing or pulsating sensation in the head, face, or neck.  These sensations can be accompanied by light/sound sensitivity, nausea, or vomiting. Some people may have on-set warning signs (prodrome or auras) days or hours before.  Those signs may include food cravings, mood changes, constipation, neck stiffness, frequent yawning, visual phenomena (bright spots, flashes of light), or even difficulty speaking.  We currently offer several migraine studies.  

Hot Flashes (Postmenopausal) - This study conducted by Bayer, is meant to help women that experience uncomfortable sudden and intense feeling of warmth in their upper body. If you are suffering from hot flashes, also know as vasomotor symptoms (VMS), then this study may be a good option for you to find some relief.

Birth Control Pill - females 14-35 years of age who are sexually active can participate in this study using a drug that is an already an approved contraceptive in Europe (Organon & Co specializes in reproductive medicine and health).

Alzheimer's Disease (AD), Memory loss - we are all a little forgetful sometimes, but in our later years forgetting conversations, appointments or recent events may be a sign of early onset of Alzheimer's Disease.  AD is a neurodegenerative disease that causes a slow progressive worsening of a patient’s memory and other cognitive abilities.  If you or someone you know has noticed memory changes we may be able to help.  These clinical studies could slow down or stop the worsening of AD.  Call us to schedule FREE memory test and a study assessment.   (Note: these studies require a study partner)




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